tisdag 19 maj 2009

Chapter 13 – Copy Cat Confrontation

Here I hover in the sky, in front of myself. No words, event the clone dares to say a word. We knew what to do, and if I thought he did to. I glared him in his eyes and flew towards eachother, fighting in the sky. Winds and thunderstorms was raging around us while we was smashing into each other as two shooting stars. Everything slowed down, when he poked me in my forehead. I was lying down somewhere, and I couldn’t move either. The roof was white, and I heard things beeping around me. A nurse appeared above me, looked at my face and looked around, then she left. I was hovering above a round glittering lake, and I saw the opportunity. I dived into the lake and he didn’t notice where I was. I tried to hold my breath, but I managed to stay in it for while before I grabbed him, and ascended up high. When I looked at him, his has face changed; He looked like Ryan. I descended and pushed him down into the lake, then landed on a safe spot.

Chapter 12 – The Mirror Forest

> Movements Disabled, Time Disabled, Feeling Disabled < >> Spirit Transfer….Complete << >>> Erasing Memory…Complete <<< >>>> Recreating Body…Cloning Complete. <<<<
I woke up middle of anywhere, but for some reason was I chained to the soft grass. Above me, huge trees were reaching after the sun. Something was moving slowly towards me, I heard the steps streaking the grass. It was a naked woman. She didn’t say anything, but she took off the chains, and let me go free. But when I really realized, I wasn’t chained from the beginning, and the naked woman was a naked man. Well, I was literally chained to the ground. He left, with a key several meters away from my hands. And I thought this was the end. I got the thing about this place! You have to think the reverse way. Then I shouted: Chain me harder!
The key moved by itself and unchained me, what a relief. I stood up, in front of an endless amount of trees reaching the skies. My body was dragged into the forest. Started to walk slowly, looking around. It was stunning; I’ve never seen such a view before. A strong gale came from nowhere, but I got a glimpse of a human silhouette almost flying. With that craving feeling to chase, I ran. Faster and faster, swiftly side to side, over and under. After a while I felt it was useless, saw a fallen tree looking like a ramp. I took off, and jumped. A big wave of light from above blinded me, when I suddenly noticed that I had wings.
I could almost see who I was facing, and I think it was a clone.He didn’t say a word, until I moved towards him. - Don’t move! - Try to stop me.
I flew a short distance and he pushed me away with his physical powers.
- Who are you? - I am you, almost you. He disappeared, and it became quiet for a while. Then he appeared behind me and whispered: - “ I am the superior clone of YOU!”

Chapter 11 – Random Thoughts

I woke up nearby the grave, and it was 3 am. The heavily vibrations from my mobile woke me up. I answered, and it was mum. She was worried and wondered where I was. She said that she come and pick me up at the gravegard. When I came home, I didn’t feel very well, but I still must get some sleep. Why did the throne room appear? It must mean something. After thinking of it, made me get a headache, I took several sleeping pills, and fell asleep.

Chapter 10 – Throne Room of Destiny

Steps echoing in an endless hallway Torches lit on the walls. Pitch dark six people around an altar, praying one shining bright, other five girls were engulfed in darkness; the extreme high ceiling was made of crystallized mirrors. Six pieces, one was removed by a holy light and five pieces was still remaining, because of the 5 dark girls. Started to walk, confronting the shining lady. Instant visions of five graves, a new girl and a deep forest passed in front of me, and then the girl stared into my eyes. Pushed away by her magical powers, onto the altar. The 6 people woke up from their eternal sleep and started to chain me on the altar. They chained me so hard that I couldn’t even move. The glass ceiling was smashed by their force into thousand and thousand pieces and they fell into my eyes and bled.

Chapter 9 – Funeral

After her disappearance I’ve been depressed, I still remember the last words she said:“Never think that you could save anyone by yourself, I hope that I see you someday”Wonder if it was destined that she’d die, or was it my fault?The coming week school had a ceremony for her, I didn’t go but I forced myself to go to her funeral. 7 pm, Ryan called me, but I wanted to go by myself. It all started at 8 pm, and the ceremony began. While burying her, I couldn’t stand it anymore. One fell, two fell and many fell. Everyone left at 10 pm, but I was still there. In the toilet, wiping my tears. When I took a step outside, I saw this diffuse light streaming from her gravestone, ran towards it. There, Zoe stood. - Nate. - Zoe. - I miss you baby… - *starts sobbing* I try to grab her, but instead she dodged me. - I just want a thing from you, as a memory… - I don’t have anything… - Check your left pocket… The thing in my pocket moved with an unknown force, and landed into my hand. A piece was separated, and it returned to my pocket. It was the Secret Onyx stone. - Give it to me. It moved from my hand to hers. - Thanks for everything Nate, I will never forgive you. A cold breeze touched my cheek. - Bye…… The stone was inserted in the gravestone.And a letter was left on the ground nearby the grave. And I took it.

Chapter 6-8 not written.

read the title. Keep reading if you want to know what happens next.

Chapter 5 – Tainted Love

Lying in my hospital bed, mom, Nate and my computer teacher visited me.No one else.Silence, can be good in a moment, but not all the time.In 3 weeks, I only ate, slept, thought and got visited.It was damn boring. Not even a visit from Zoe, not even a text message from Amy. I felt like left out. The last day, a letter came. It was sealed with a black pentagram.It stood: “When you get well, come to the big pond in the forest, by 23.00.” Love. Anonymous. Mom came that day, drove me back home, and I went sleeping. Same dream came up, but a little had changed. “Nate, I know it’s someone you like that send that letter.” “How you know?” “It’s obvious, things happened, things changes. Like it happened and changed” “I think it’s true.” “Of course it’s true, I’m always right. By the way, you can call me Eregonia.” “Oh, nice name. So, what’s going to happen today then?” “You have to go there, take the chance, and make the best of it.” “Thanks.” “No problem, but be ready, it isn’t something easy.I woke up; the clock was 22.45, dressed and slowly made my way down the stairs. Grabbed my jacket, instantly put on my shoes and left.Started walking, wind was blowing in my hood. It was cold. Darkness everywhere, the only light was from the bypassing cars. When I saw her standing there, my mind got stuck on something. I really don’t know what and why, but it just came by. I stood beside her. “It wasn’t meant to be like this. I’m so sorry. I planned it before it happened, and I thought that it wouldn’t be that serious like in your case.” Silence slowly grew after her sore voice. “Nate I love you…” “Do you? Why?” “This is destiny, accept it.” She said, with unnormally voice. The silence grew again. “I really love you Nate, I’ve just not said it. And like now, it became like shock, didn’t it?” “Yes it did, and I accept it, we’re a couple now.” I left her alone, this was hard for me to accept, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings. I just had to say yes. She was right, it’s destiny. I went home, and turned on the computer. I played some random online games. Later I went asleep on the keyboard.