tisdag 19 maj 2009

Chapter 4 – Metaphorically and Literally Fail

“Click. Click……Welcome to Spiritseeker Version 2,12……Opening Application…… Directory: C:\spirit\data\SS.exeloading.....BGimage.bmpBGmusic.mp3 “Are you obsessed by a spirit?Y or N” “Nate: Y When did it contact you? “Nate: Yesterday, Night. Do you know who it is?Y or N Nate: N Please put your finger on the scanner. Scanning……Test Failed.Try againscanning…… Test Failed. You are not haunted by a spirit. Program closed. “Damn program, I’ll hope the spirit will leave me.” I ate my breakfast, and then went to school.The dusky forest, outflow of misty air teased me. Corrupted trees, weird shadows reaching out, to pull me into the shady place. Biking as fast I could, without knowing that she had left her home hundred miles from here I crashed into her, Amy.How to tell this is metaphorically and literally impossible, but I felt it, “love-at-first-sight”.Otherwise I heard: “Watch out where your biking!” (Silence) “Sorry, it wasn’t on purpose” *Amy taking a few steps backwards* “Whoa, aren’t you Nate Wilson??” “Yes I am, and you are Amy?” “Didn’t you notice?” “Umm, yeah. But I have to go to school, I think I’m late by now.” “Bye, sweetie” Mounted my bike, and continued moving towards school. Met Ryan, and the other mates at school, our first lesson was Computer class. After taking a step into the computer classroom, the spirit called me again. “Nate, listen. Especially today, you have to be one step before Ryan all the time, you will surely regret your actions if you don’t listen.” “Sure” I said, suddenly Zoe nudged me and replied: “Sure what?” “Forget it”We had the boring Excel exercises to do, but as usual no one did that.I noticed unexpected eye contact between Amy and Ryan.I didn’t care, but it really was pissing me off.I have to be one step before him, but how?I rolled my chair next to Zoe, and helped her with some of the exercises, and I helped her with all of them.Class went off and Ryan came towards me, chit-chatting about online games.Suddenly, I felt an outer force from the crowd of people that pushed me, and I fell. Movement beyond humanity turned around and saw Zoe’s face in front of me. In a millisecond, Zoe opened her mouth to say something, got interrupted by me falling mouth against mouth. I landed safely with a small erection. The last word before I fainted was: Turtledoves lying on the ground! Woho, way to go Nate! I woke up, 3 hours later in the hospital, with a quite serious skull fracture.Big crack on the other side of the forehead. I didn’t know where the nurses were driving me. The last thing I saw was a sleeping-gasmask.“-Nate, you were two steps before Ryan, but not one, it’s why you gotten this injury.”I was dreaming, seeing an unknown material in front of me. And I was able to open my mouth and talk. “What are they doing with me at the moment?” “-Doing a surgery, use your brain, mortal being.” “Can you tell me who you are? And why you contact me like this?” “-I’m sorry, I can’t. You will notice later.”I felt a small breeze of air on my body. “- Hold my hand, Nate” “Why?” “-Just do it, incompetent bastard.” *quiet whispers* "Do you feel anything?” “Nope“ "You are so useless!! *sobs*” After that, I wake up.

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