tisdag 19 maj 2009

Chapter 3 – The Distant Voice

Urban envroirments, standing in the rain, alone. The world is crashing down, and people walking around. Grayscale world, concrete wings on butterflies, eyes made of crystal glass. Emotionless faces illuminates in front of me, raindrops that not exists make my skin wet. Silence and sorrow surrounding me, a feeling of being captured on a picture is itching me.Suddenly I heard some voices. " I thought it was a place much farther than that, like some sort of dream tale." " Here I stood, not letting even the smallest light escape, to get a little closer to you..." " Even if I was to lose this life, I will protect you!" " The courage deep in my heart to shred the darkness, these wight wings which tear your doubts." " Don't you ever think again you can do everything on your own!" " If it was about to come to a stop, it was because I had locked this smile deep in my heart." " I don't want to be the only one protected! I also want to protect you!" Five unknown people standing in front of me, holding 5 stones in their hands, shining in 5 different colors.The light got brighter and brighter, and I woke up. One stone was lying on the carpet, below my bed, it was black, like an onyx-stone. Grabbed it and put it into my drawer, so nobody notices that I have it. Luckily the day went fast and school ended, went out with Zoe, just walking around in central city. Amy called me several times, about when we'll met and where. Amy is my dream girl, 16 years, tall as I am, Black wavy hair with red tops and listening to the same music as I do. I don't know much about her because I’ve not met her yet.We went shopping, (yes, boys do it too. but it sounds a bit girlish.) and I bought a t-shirt, a pair of shoes and a gift for my sister. Her birthday is tomorrow. Then Zoe's mother called her, and she had to go home.When she left me the sky opened, the stars shining bright, rain poured down from the sky. Standing alone again, the sunlight turned into moonlight.I looked behind me, I saw that I had wings, and I took a giant leap into the sky. It felt as it was real. I touched the sky. I flew so high so I saw the whole city, landed on a high cliff. Then I saw the blue sky from a very low perspective, and then I understood that I was dreaming as usual. ( I am such a dreamer ._.)But one thing was true, she was going home, I and went home too.Came home, and turned the computer on. Noticed that people had commented on my pictures, on the take-pictures-upload-on-the-internet-then-people-writes-comment-site, yeah, u know where. Checked them, and checked some other random sites. I turned off the computer. “What’s your problem? Nate, you have to realize that this isn’t real. Your dream a lot and you don’t know that it will affect your future.” I heard the distant voice and continued to listen to it. “Nate, listen, I’m trying to help you. Your destiny is in my hands, but not your decisions. If you really want to contact me, you can’t. Humans cannot speak to spirits, only if they have the gift. I’ll contact you when I want to, and when it fits in” Later that night, I couldn’t sleep. Because of that strange voice from a distant world contacted me. Why did it talk to me? Who is is? The last thing I heard was a echo in my ear.

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