tisdag 19 maj 2009

Chapter 1 – The Beginning

Damn, another day in school. My first lesson is at 9:40, and I woke up at 7 o clock. (Such an idiot) I tried to sleep again but it was hopeless, I was thinking about someone, Carissa. You are mine, forever and ever.I love your hair and your eyes...and... (Fell down from the bed). The time passed and I got dressed, and I started to eat breakfast, the usual Cornflakes with bananas. After that I noticed that I’m late to school. Grabbed my bag, and ran away in super-speed. I met my cousin Ryan, with the usual smile and usual things that happens to him. As example, biking in a lamppost. Math, not really my subject, but I have to get good grades anyway. We have a very annoying teacher, Margret. About 30, but acts like a 20-year old, and face made of make-up. I hate this equations, x minus bla bla bla. (Ignoring the teacher). She noticed that I was ignoring her badly so she walked towards me and shouted my name. Nate!! Wake up!This is the upper secondary school not pre-school.So, now you know my name. My name is Nate Wilson, black short haired guy, some sort of shy but at the same time very outgoing. (As you see I’m a very weird person) I've never had a girlfriend, but only through internet. I'm very addicted to my beloved computer, imp playing online games all my free time and chatting through MSN messenger. And the only place I get friends is on an internet-site. Where you upload pictures on yourself and your friends, and other people give their comments. As I said, I am a very weird person. I started to listen to Margret, when she was writing on the whiteboard. After a few seconds I fell asleep. Shawn waked me up, because and his hardcore writing. Then, this is my cousin Ryan Johnson. Long black hair, not so long, but longer than me. He is a Trance freak, 99% of his music listening goes to trance, the rest to other music. Very outgoing, sometimes I feel ashamed for him. He also explains the mostly of the difficult words with sound effects. Otherwise He plays online-games as I do. The math class is over and it is a long free period until we have chemistry. I'm biking to town to buy something, for Carissa. My beloved lady... (Dreaming).I went to the jewelers, and I bought a gold-necklace for 500 kronor, and I went back to school as fast I could. After the very interesting chemistry lesson, I called Carissa and said that we'll meet at a certain place. I went slowly to the place where we'll meet. Then, I felt for one second that time stood still. I couldn’t move, nor even think. I just saw a beauty walk past the main street when I was totally paralyzed. Short blonde hair, with shining eyes and perfect curves. Walking as a model towards me, the paralysis has disappeared. I was moving towards her. I felt her aura, clear and dense. She had a liquid aura, shining red and blue. As her eyes looked into mine I saw something. She had a sorrowful and painful past and couldn’t forget it and leave it behind her. And another thing was also wrong. I couldn’t see or hear it, just sense it. Like bad vibrations. She touched me, and suddenly a shock-wave, and I was an emotional shock-wave. All feelings just disappeared in less than a nano-second, and new came continuously. First fear, sorrow, happiness, sadness and love. Then all colors disappeared, a giant cloud above us, rising slowly over our heads. The heavy wind makes pushes us against each other and we close our eyes.... And everything gets unexpectedly back to normal. She takes my hand gently and we walk down the road. I said that she should close her eyes, and she said: "I can't do that." I took her hand and took the necklace from my left pocket and gave it to her. She said: I can't take this, this isn’t mine. I felt the suppression, and I couldn’t talk to her anymore. "Give the necklace to someone you really love" Quietly I said okay and ran away with tears in my eyes...... I ran home as fast I could, and all materia surrounding me was changing forms. I couldn't even see where I was running, but I ran the right path home.I felt an abnormal feeling from inside; my head was beating, unknown souls digged into my body. I came home safely, but everything was like a mirror, twisted and turned up-side-down. I fell on my knees and started to cry,I didn't know what to do. 200 miles away, an unknown person was coming to my city. She was moving from another city to live in my city. And she though, we’ll meet soon.

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