tisdag 19 maj 2009

Chapter 9 – Funeral

After her disappearance I’ve been depressed, I still remember the last words she said:“Never think that you could save anyone by yourself, I hope that I see you someday”Wonder if it was destined that she’d die, or was it my fault?The coming week school had a ceremony for her, I didn’t go but I forced myself to go to her funeral. 7 pm, Ryan called me, but I wanted to go by myself. It all started at 8 pm, and the ceremony began. While burying her, I couldn’t stand it anymore. One fell, two fell and many fell. Everyone left at 10 pm, but I was still there. In the toilet, wiping my tears. When I took a step outside, I saw this diffuse light streaming from her gravestone, ran towards it. There, Zoe stood. - Nate. - Zoe. - I miss you baby… - *starts sobbing* I try to grab her, but instead she dodged me. - I just want a thing from you, as a memory… - I don’t have anything… - Check your left pocket… The thing in my pocket moved with an unknown force, and landed into my hand. A piece was separated, and it returned to my pocket. It was the Secret Onyx stone. - Give it to me. It moved from my hand to hers. - Thanks for everything Nate, I will never forgive you. A cold breeze touched my cheek. - Bye…… The stone was inserted in the gravestone.And a letter was left on the ground nearby the grave. And I took it.

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