> Movements Disabled, Time Disabled, Feeling Disabled < >> Spirit Transfer….Complete << >>> Erasing Memory…Complete <<< >>>> Recreating Body…Cloning Complete. <<<<
I woke up middle of anywhere, but for some reason was I chained to the soft grass. Above me, huge trees were reaching after the sun. Something was moving slowly towards me, I heard the steps streaking the grass. It was a naked woman. She didn’t say anything, but she took off the chains, and let me go free. But when I really realized, I wasn’t chained from the beginning, and the naked woman was a naked man. Well, I was literally chained to the ground. He left, with a key several meters away from my hands. And I thought this was the end. I got the thing about this place! You have to think the reverse way.
Then I shouted: Chain me harder!
The key moved by itself and unchained me, what a relief.
I stood up, in front of an endless amount of trees reaching the skies. My body was dragged into the forest. Started to walk slowly, looking around. It was stunning; I’ve never seen such a view before. A strong gale came from nowhere, but I got a glimpse of a human silhouette almost flying. With that craving feeling to chase, I ran. Faster and faster, swiftly side to side, over and under. After a while I felt it was useless, saw a fallen tree looking like a ramp. I took off, and jumped. A big wave of light from above blinded me, when I suddenly noticed that I had wings.
I could almost see who I was facing, and I think it was a clone.He didn’t say a word, until I moved towards him.
- Don’t move!
- Try to stop me.
I flew a short distance and he pushed me away with his physical powers.
- Who are you?
- I am you, almost you.
He disappeared, and it became quiet for a while. Then he appeared behind me and whispered:
- “ I am the superior clone of YOU!”
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